Un regard scientifique sur les monothéismes depuis les origines jusqu’à l’époque moderne

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CERCOR’s Presentation

LEM’s Program

Traditions monastiques



Portrait de Sylvain Excoffon, membre du Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes (LEM/UMR 8584) et du CERCOR

Member of LEM’s cluster 4: "Institutions and religious doctrines (medieval and modern Europe and Mediterranean)", Sylvain Excoffon is a medievalist specialized in the history of religious orders from the 12th to the 15th century. He is lecturer teaching history of the Middle-Ages at the University Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne). He is the co-editor of the collection « Analecta Cartusiana », an international collection focusing on the history of the Carthusian Order, and is in charge of the program “History of the Carthusians and the Carthusian Order” as a part of the area of research “Monastic collections” of the CERCOR.

To see the CV of Sylvain Excoffon et son site Web

Fields of research

 The Carthusians and the Carthusian Order during the Middle-Ages.
 The Abbey of Chalais and the Order of Chalais during the Middle-Ages.
 Religious orders during the Middle-Ages: economic organization, social space; structuration, government, internal organization; history and construction of collective identities.

Teaching topics

 History of regular life, 9th-13th centuries.
 Political history of the Middle-Ages.
 Master’s seminars on obituary sources, sources connected to religious orders, historical semantics.


 The co-organization of Monasticon cartusiense; writings about the Carthusian and Burgundy provinces, and the provinces of France-sur-Seine and of France-sur-Loire.
 The participation to the database “Monastères”. Studies in preparation: Government, organization and social space of the Carthusian Order during the 15th century and edition of the chronicles of the Grande Chartreuse.

Selected books

With Jean-Loup Lemaître, Le nécrologe primitif de la Grande Chartreuse, Saint-Étienne, CERCOR (Analecta Cartusiana, 309), 2015.

With Coralie Zermatten, Histoire et mémoire chez les chartreux, XIIe-XXe siècles, Saint-Étienne, CERCOR (Analecta Cartusiana, 319), 2017.

(dir.), Les chartreux et les élites XIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Saint-Étienne, CERCOR (Analecta Cartusiana, 298), 2013.

With Coralie Zermatten, Sammeln, kopieren, verbreiten zur Buchkultur der Kartäuser gestern und heute Analecta Cartusiana, Saint-Étienne, CERCOR (Analecta Cartusiana, 337), 2018.

Direction of Review

Co-éditor of the collection « Analecta Cartusiana » with Daniel Le Blévec, Alain Girard, Coralie Zermatten.

More Informations


Bâtiment M
33, rue du Onze-Novembre

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Bibliography of S. Excoffon

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CERCOR’s Presentation

LEM’s Program

Traditions monastiques

