Un regard scientifique sur les monothéismes depuis les origines jusqu’à l’époque moderne

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Adriano OLIVA

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LEM’s Program

Philosophies and theologies

Member of LEM’s cluster 3 : “Ancient, medieval and modern philosophies and theologies.” Specialist in History of Medieval Philosophy and Theology, Adriano Oliva is a researcher (CR1) at the CNRS. Since September 1993 he has been a member of the Commissio Leonina, first in Grottaferrata (Rome), then in Paris. He became the president of the Commission in March 2000.

To see the Curriculum vitae of Adriano Oliva

Fields of research

 Definition and functioning of the structures of philosophical and theological knowledge during the first half of the 13th century at the University of Paris.
 Relations between theology and philosophy during the MiddleAges.
 The influence of Aristotle’s writings on philosophy and theology.

Topics of research

 Doctrina and sacra doctrina in the thought of Thomas Aquinas
 The edition of Thomas Aquinas’ Quaestio disp. De potentia Dei ;
Super II Sententiarum.

Selected books

With Rüdi Imbach, La philosophie de Thomas d’Aquin I Paris, Vrin, 2009.

Amours, Paris, Cerf, Collection Théologies, 2015.

Les débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la sacra doctrina.
With the edition of the prologue of his commentaire des Sentences

Paris, Vrin, Bibliothèque thomiste, 58, 2006.


CNRS bronze medal in 2008.

Post-scriptum :

Book’s Presentation

Éditions du Cerf, 2016