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The scientific supervision of doctoral students at the LEM

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EPHE-PSL thesis presentation guide

Guide to doctoral studies at the University of Lyon

The doctoral college of PSL

| The thesis at the graduate school and the host laboratory

The preparation of a thesis is based on an agreement between the doctoral student, his/her thesis director, the doctoral school with which he/she is registered and the laboratory that provides the framework for a scientific reception for the doctoral thesis. Reciprocal commitments between the doctoral student and his/her thesis director are defined by the thesis charters in application in the doctoral schools represented at the LEM, at the EPHE and at Sorbonne University. The host laboratory is the unit to which the doctoral student is officially attached after formal acceptance by the director of the unit. It provides the natural framework in which the research work and the writing of the thesis are carried out. It is both a place for specialization on a theme, thanks to the means that it can make available to the doctoral student, and an opening to other approaches, approaches or disciplines through the intellectual and human exchanges that it allows with its members.

| The PhD students’ place in the LEM

The doctoral student is an entry level researcher conducting a research project over a three-year (statutory) period, including the writing and defence of a thesis with the aim of obtaining the doctoral degree. In France, the doctoral student has no special status other than that conferred by his/her university registration. At the European level, the "European Charter for Researchers" is a European Charter for Researchers. recommends that doctoral students be considered as research professionals. Thus recognized, doctoral students must be fully integrated into their host unit or laboratory, in which they have access, as far as the available means allow, to the same facilities as titular researchers to carry out their research work. Doctoral students are represented on the laboratory Board as "non-permanent staff" and "subject to a minimum seniority of one year in the unit". The LEM is a UMR, fully concerned by this European status of the researcher, and by the rights that it recognizes for the doctoral student in its host team, since both the CNRS and the CPU are signatories to this charter.

| Scientific reception at the LEM

As a host laboratory, LEM attempts, within the means at its disposal, to facilitate the work of doctoral students, the progress of their research and the comparison of their work with that of other researchers in the laboratory. This support to the doctoral students hosted consists in particular of :

 A PhD student follow-up by Claire Raynal, who, in addition to the doctoral school, provides them with all the information they need to make their stay as smooth as possible : pedagogical information, life in the laboratory, scientific events, call

 A "Doctoral Student Unit" led by Irene Caiazzo, in charge of "referent" research for LEM doctoral students, which is responsible for welcoming them, dealing with their specific requests and organising the events that concern them.

 Access to a work room ;

 The possibility of accessing (through user codes reserved for members of the laboratory) the bibliographic resources of the Portail Biblio SHS (scientific information of CNRS units in the human and social sciences) ; the codes are communicated on individual request by Pascale Elivon ; it is imperative to ensure that they are not passed on to anyone else.

 Specific financial aid may be accorded for one-off missions or archive consultations. Applications will be examined on a case-by-case basis on the recommendation of the thesis director, the best being to apply before the closure of the provisional budget in mid-November.

 The opportunity to take part in the intellectual life of the laboratory, in particular through discussions of the research group to which the doctoral student is attached and in which he or she may participate as of right, but also through personal discussions - whether preceded by a request for an appointment or completely informal - that he or she may have with all the researchers in the unit.

 Access to all the scientific events organised by the laboratory : workshops-debates, study days, seminars, symposiums...  

 The possibility for doctoral students to present their work at appropriate scientific workshops : discussion of the cluster to which they are attached, participation in workshops, specific seminars...

 The annual organisation of a welcome day for doctoral students by the LEM and student representatives.

 The regular organization of a summer school.

| Participation of doctoral students in the life of the LEM

During their stay at the LEM, doctoral students should make the most of the scientific supervision offered to them. Even if the thesis is by nature an individual work, it can hardly be carried out without the intellectual and human exchanges that are a major component of a researcher’s life. The laboratory is a community which represents, on a small level, the entire scientific community, and it is also on the more or less successful integration into this community that the continuation of a young researcher’s scientific career depends. LEM strongly encourages the PhD students who are welcomed to become involved in the life of the laboratory in various ways and recommends that they :/p>

 provide the doctoral secretariat with a valid e-mail address that they consult regularly to keep informed of the laboratory’s activities ;

 integrate from their first year of registration into one of the unit’s teams or programs. It is within this framework that they will be able to regularly inform - in addition to their thesis director - all the researchers of the progress of their work, obstacles or difficulties of all kinds that they may encounter ;

 participate as regularly as possible in scientific events organised by the LEM. Even when the themes of the symposia, meetings or seminars are related to other disciplines or themes that seem far removed from their research topics, active participation in these events allows doctoral students to become familiar with the way in which scientific work is presented and the debates to which it gives rise, practices that are at the heart of the researcher’s profession. These events also provide valuable opportunities to meet researchers from other backgrounds, to broaden a culture of the social sciences and humanities and to better prepare for future integration into the world of research ;

 attend the thesis defenses of their more advanced fellow students in order to familiarize themselves with an exercise that will conclude their doctoral research ;

 organise a "young researchers" day at regular intervals to present and discuss their work in the presence of members of the laboratory.

Post-scriptum :

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