Un regard scientifique sur les monothéismes depuis les origines jusqu’à l’époque moderne

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Sébastien FRAY

by chercheur, claire - published on , updated on


Presentation of the CERCOR

LEM’s Programs

Monastic traditions

Religious Institutionalities and politic Influence



Other programs

Program Fasti ecclesiæ Gallicanæ

Program Religious life and judicial issues from Antiquity to modern times 

Member of LEM’s cluster 4: Institutions and religious doctrines (medieval and modern Europe and Mediterranean), Sébastien Fray is lecturer, specialist of history of the Middle-Ages at the University Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne) and a member of the CERCOR (European centre on religious orders, community and congre-gations) pecialized in the relations between aristocracy and Benedictine communities during the High Middle-Ages (9th-13th centuries), he is the co-supervisor of the topics “Systems of historicity in regular environments” and “Developing holiness: sources and stakes”, as part of the area of research “Sociability and cultural practices in the religious world”». He also supervises the topic “Establishments of prayer and seigniorial order” as part of the area of research “Ordo, regimen, status. The government of communities and societies, from the ecclesial experience to the modern State” and the Projet « Religious life and judicial issues from Antiquity to modern times » of the LabEx COMOD/University of Lyon. Since February 2020, Sébastien Fray is Assistant director of the CERCOR.

To see the [CV of Sébastien Fray]

Teaching topics

  Supervising the first year of degree in history.
 - Study of medievalism.
 - Political history of the Early Middle-Ages.
 - Historiography and epistemology of history.

Fields of research

  History of aristocracy and feudal society (9th-13th centuries).
  History of the Church (9th-13th centuries) .
  Production and transmission of medieval texts (diplomatic, hagiography, historio-graphy of the 9th-13th centuries).

Topics of research

  Social history of the monks and canons of the Massif Central (9th-13th centuries).
  Social, political and seigniorial history of the establishments of prayer in the Massif Central (9th-13th centuries).
  The relation men of the early modern period have towards medieval docu-mentation.
  Documentary criticism of modern copies.

Current projects

 Supervising of the Projet « Religious life and judicial issues from Antiquity to modern times » of the LabEx COMOD/University of Lyon.
  Studies in preparation: his research is focusing more and more on studying how the establishments of prayer ended up practicing seigniorial power.
  Member of the ANR JCJC Rotulus (led by Jean-Baptiste Renault, University of Lorraine, Centre de recherche universitaire lorrain d’histoire, CRULH).

Research seminar / teaching

 Participation to the research seminar, which takes place several times a year, of the teachers in charge of the Master “Professions of the historian” of the University Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne).
Resumption in fall 2018.

Selected Books

Avec David Morel (éd.), Évêques et abbés à l’époque romane, Actes du 23e colloque d’art roman d’Issoire (2013), Alliance universitaire d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 2015 (Revue d’Auvergne, n° 614, 2015).

With David Morel (ed.), La terre à l’époque romane. Exploitations, usages et représentations. Actes du 24e colloque international d’art roman (Issoire, 17-19 octobre 2014), Alliance universitaire d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, 2016 (Revue d’Auvergne, t. 619, 2016).

Periodical and collection editor

Since 2012, member of the scientific committee of the annual Issoire Romanesque Art Colloquiums, bringing together every year on a specific theme art historians, archaeologists, historians, and even musicologists and literary experts. The colloquium is the subject of an annual publication in the Revue d’Auvergne, edited by the members of the scientific committee.

Postscript :


History’s writing (in french)

The excavations at Saint-Géraud d’Aurillac (in french)