Member of LEM’s cluster 1 : "Sacred books : canons and heterodoxies", Rainer Brunner is Director of Studies at the CNRS, within the LEM (UMR 8584), and a specialist in Shia Islam. He explores the relationship between two major branches of Shi’ism, namely duodecimal Shi’ism and Zaydism, in the twentieth century. He is the Editor of Die Welt des Islams (Leiden : Brill) since 2017.
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Fields of research
– Intellectual history of modern Shia Islam (19th/20th century)
– Muslim modernism and reformist movements since the 18th century.
– Sunni-Shi’i relations.
– The role of politics in theological reasoning.
– The various problems related to Muslim presence in a secular environment.
Topics of research
– Intellectual biography of Muḥammad Rashid Rida.
– Modernism and modern appropriations of classical concepts
– Criticism of clergymen and blasphemy in modern Islam
– Development of law (including public law)
– Confessional relations within Islam
– Origin and development of the Salafiyya
Selected books
Islam. Einheit und Vielfalt einer Weltreligion
Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2016.
Detti di Maometto. Testi tradotti da Massimo Laria (sélection, annotations et commentaire d’une collection de hadiths sunnites),
Milan (Mondadori) 2014.
Die Schia und die Koranfälschung,
Ergon Verlag, 2001.
Review’s Editor
Die Welt des Islams (Leiden : Brill).