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Philosophy and Religion: beliefs, theologies, metaphysics

by claire - published on

LEM’s Programs


Commented translation of Late Antiquity works

| The "Elements of Theology", from Antiquity to the present

After the completion of a translation with commentary of Proclus’ Elements of Theology, and in the wake of an international conference about this major text, a new project is undertaking an annotated translation of Michel Psellos’ commentaries on the Chaldean Oracles. This project is directed by Philippe Hoffmann and Gwenaëlle Aubry, with the participation of Luc Brisson, Frédérique Ildefonse (UMR 8230, Center Jean-Pépin) and Laurent Lavaud (GRAMATA/SPHERE).

| The Eighteen arguments of Proclus in favor of the eternity of the world

As part of his project of translations with commentary of works from Late Antiquity, Pascal Mueller-Jourdan is currently working on Proclus’ Eighteen arguments in favor of the eternity of the world. The first French translation of this work was completed in collaboration with Bertrand Ham (LEM); it is now under revision and will be complemented with a brief commentary. Translations of Proclus’ In Cratylum and Priscian of Lydia’s Metaphrasis in Theophrastum are under way.

Research on Medieval Commentaries

| Robert Holcot. Archeology and path to success

Pascale Bermon is carrying on her study of Robert Holcot, in collaboration with Christophe Grellard. An ANR project was submitted ANR-READS: “Robert Holcot. Archeology and path to success.” Robert Holcot’s († 1349) Commentary to Wisdom is a best-seller and a “long-seller”, preserved in more than two hundred manuscripts, and re-edited several times since 1479. The main objective of this project is to make Holcot’s entire work available so as to understand the reasons for his success. The inventory and description of the manuscripts, the transcription of the texts and the identification of the sources will shed light, upstream, on Holcot’s working methods, networks and documentation. Downstream, this will make it possible to study systematically his audiences, copyists, and editors. The constitution of a complete corpus will renew the studies on Holcot’s influence on Late Latin and vernacular literature.

| Research on the method of interpretation in medieval commentaries

Julie Casteigt is researching the concept of perichoresis in medieval Johannine commentaries and in philosophical and theological debates; she is also retracing the medieval reception of proposition 11 of the Liber de causis. Her research on figural or parabolic interpretation in Johannine commentaries is meant to be part of a broader project on methods of exegetic and philosophical interpretations.

| Metaphysical study of Thomas Aquinas

Adriano Oliva is completing a book that studies systematically the metaphysic of love in Thomas Aquinas. He will next turn to the metaphysics of the power of God, as One and as Trinity of Persons, while finishing the critical edition of Thomas Aquinas’ De potentia Dei for the “Leonine” edition of Aquinas’ complete works. He will also undertake a study of the individuation of human nature while working on the critical edition of the 2nd book of Aquinas’ Commentary on the Sentences, which focuses on creation and anthropology, also for the “Leonine” series.

Postscript :


Genèses antiques et médiévales de la foi,
C. Grellard, P. Hoffmann, L. Lavaud (dir.),
Turnhout, Brepols-Institut d’études augustiniennes, 2019.