Un regard scientifique sur les monothéismes depuis les origines jusqu’à l’époque moderne

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LEM’s Program

Religious institutionalities and politic’s influence

Member of LEM’s cluster 4: Institutions and religious doctrines, medieval and modern Europe and Mediterranean, Philippe Castagnetti specializes in the social dimension of sacramental practices, hagiographical sources and canonization proce-dures in modern Europe. Member of the CERCOR (European Center on Religious Orders, Communities and Congregations, Saint-Étienne), he is also in charge of the area of research “Types of sociability and cultural practices in the religious world” and the co-director of the topics “The systems of historicity in a regular environment” and “Developing holiness: sources and stakes.”

To see the CV of Philippe Castagnetti

Fields of research

The cultural and religious history of Catholic Europe (France, Italy) during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Topics of research

Religious world and canonizations since the Renaissance: procedures and stakes.
Establishing a collective memory in the religious world. Historical and liturgical productions in a congregant environment.

Current projects

A co-organization, in collaboration with Christian Renoux (POLEN, Orleans), of several international study days, which focus on the exploitation of post-Tridentine canonization procedures in history. The proceedings of these study days will be published.
Studies in preparation: co-direction of a collecive work: Sources hagiographiques et procès de canonisation: les circulations textuelles autour du culte des saints (XVIe-XXe siècle), set to be published.

Research seminar / teaching

Participation to the research seminar (which happens several times a year) of the teachers in charge of the master class “Professions of the historian”, of the University of Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne).
Resumption in fall 2018.

Selected books

With C. Renoux, Culture et société au miroir des procès de canonisation (XVIe-XXe siècle), PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2016.

Baptiser : pratique sacramentelle, pratique sociale (XVIe-XXe siècles), codir. avec G. Alfani et V. Gourdon, PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2009. Présentation sur openeditions.org.

Le jansénisme en Forez au XVIIIe siècle, numéro spécial de la revue Entretemps,
3, PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2004.

Images et pratiques de la ville (XVIe-XIXe siècles), vol. 2, coll. Cahiers de l’IERP, PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2006.

Postscript :

Other programs

Labex COMOD, axis "State and religion : the construction of a bond".

(literary, linguistics and historicals Approchs of Sources, Saint-Étienne).



CERCOR, Campus Tréfilerie,
bâtiment M, 35 rue du Onze Novembre,
F-42023 SAINT-ÉTIENNE Cedex 2

Articles on HAL-SHS

Bibliography of Ph. Castagnetti

CERCOR’s Actuality



LEM’s Program

Religious institutionalities and politic’s influence

Pour ajuster le titre

Other programs

Labex COMOD, axis "State and religion : the construction of a bond".

(literary, linguistics and historicals Approchs of Sources, Saint-Étienne).