Member of LEM’s cluster 4: Institutions and religious doctrines, medieval and modern Europe and Mediterranean, Philippe Castagnetti specializes in the social dimension of sacramental practices, hagiographical sources and canonization proce-dures in modern Europe. Member of the CERCOR (European Center on Religious Orders, Communities and Congregations, Saint-Étienne), he is also in charge of the area of research “Types of sociability and cultural practices in the religious world” and the co-director of the topics “The systems of historicity in a regular environment” and “Developing holiness: sources and stakes.”
To see the CV of Philippe Castagnetti |
Fields of research
The cultural and religious history of Catholic Europe (France, Italy) during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Topics of research
Religious world and canonizations since the Renaissance: procedures and stakes.
Establishing a collective memory in the religious world. Historical and liturgical productions in a congregant environment.
Current projects
A co-organization, in collaboration with Christian Renoux (POLEN, Orleans), of several international study days, which focus on the exploitation of post-Tridentine canonization procedures in history. The proceedings of these study days will be published.
Studies in preparation: co-direction of a collecive work: Sources hagiographiques et procès de canonisation: les circulations textuelles autour du culte des saints (XVIe-XXe siècle), set to be published.
Research seminar / teaching
Participation to the research seminar (which happens several times a year) of the teachers in charge of the master class “Professions of the historian”, of the University of Jean Monnet (Saint-Étienne).
Resumption in fall 2018.
Selected books
With C. Renoux, Culture et société au miroir des procès de canonisation (XVIe-XXe siècle), PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2016.
Baptiser : pratique sacramentelle, pratique sociale (XVIe-XXe siècles), codir. avec G. Alfani et V. Gourdon, PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2009. Présentation sur
Le jansénisme en Forez au XVIIIe siècle, numéro spécial de la revue Entretemps,
3, PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2004.
Images et pratiques de la ville (XVIe-XIXe siècles), vol. 2, coll. Cahiers de l’IERP, PUSE, Saint-Étienne, 2006.