Un regard scientifique sur les monothéismes depuis les origines jusqu’à l’époque moderne

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LEM’s Centres

by claire - published on , updated on

Research Center

Présentation of the CERCOR

Given its long history, LEM is divided into 4 research units:


The Centre d’Études des Religions du Livre (Center for the Study of the Religions of the Book) is the original core of LEM. It was founded in 1970 by three important scholars affiliated with the Ecole Pratique des Hautes études, Henry CORBIN, Georges VAJDA et Paul VIGNAUX, with the aim to study the three monotheistic traditions in a comparative perspective.

> To know more about the Study Center of religions of the Book (CERL)



The Nouvelle Gallia Judaica research unit (UPR 208) joined LEM. NGJ aims is to trace the history of medieval Jews in France, including toponymic research and prosopography.
It was founded in 1972 by Bernhard Blumenkranz, who was then leading research on the historical geography of Jews in medieval France on the basis of Hebrew, Latin and French, manuscripts and printed sources, as well as archaeological remains.

> To know more about the New Gallia Judaica



Since 2002, the Institut d’Études Augustiniennes (Institute of Augustinian studies) is part of LEM. This research unit is also affiliated with the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the Catholic Institute of Paris. His current director, Vincent Zarini, is a Professor of late antique Latin literature at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
A graduate school devoted to “Ancient and Medieval Worlds” at the University of Paris-Sorbonne is coordinated by the CEP.

The CEP focuses on the works of St. Augustine as well as on the Augustinian tradition. The CEP is responsible for the publication of the Bibliothèque augustinienne and Collection des Études Augustiniennes series, aswell as two important scholarly journals, Études augustiniennes et patristiques and Recherches augustiniennes].

> To know more about the Institut d’études augustiniennes



In 2007, the European Center of Research on Communities, Congregations and Religious Orders (Centre européen de recherche sur les communautés, congrégations et ordres religieux - CERCOR) from the University of Saint-Étienne joined LEM. It was wounded in 1982 by Pierre-Roger GAUSSIN, a Professor of medieval history at the University of Saint-Étienne. CERCOR focuses on the history of monasticism and the history of religious orders in the Latin West.
Three research topics animate the unit’s current research:
 Monastic corpora
 Ordo, regimen, status. Government of Community and society, from the ecclesial experience to the modern State
 Sociabilities and cultural practices in the religious world

> To know more about the CERCOR