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« The laity and philosophy in the XIIᵉ century: a long history» (in french)

Member of Cluster 3: ”Ancient, medieval and modern philosophies and theologies”, Irene Caiazzo is specialized in the history of philosophy and sciences during the 12th century. She is currently working at renewing the approach to medieval Platonism, by making un-precedented documents available, and endeavors to show that the 12th century is much more than a simple introduction to the great scholastic of the 13th century.

To see the CV of Irene Caiazzo

Fields of research

  Renewal of the approaches to the philosophy of the 11th and 12th centuries.
  Publications of hitherto unpublished texts (Macrobius, William of Conches, Thierry of Chartres, Manegold of Lautenbach, Abbo of Fleury), along with doctrinal studies.

Topics of research

  Platonic tradition during the Middle Ages.
  Cosmology and natural philosophy during the 12th century.
  Laypersons and philosophy during the Middle Ages.
  The movement of Chartres of the 12th century.
  The division of sciences during the 12th century.
  Pythagorean tradition during the Middle Ages.
  The medicine of the Schola Medica Salernitana.
  Teaching the arts of quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy) during the Middle-Ages.


  The influence of Pythagoreanism on the Middle-Ages’s thought.
  The preparation of a Companion to the Reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Edited by Irene Caiazzo, Constantinos Macris and Aurélien Robert, Leiden, Brill, set to be published in 2020.

Selected books

Thierry of Chartres, The Commentary on the De Arithmetica of Boethius., Edited with an Introduction by IRENE CAIAZZO, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, coll. « Studies and Texts » 191, 2015.

Guillaume de Conches : Philosophie et science au XIIe siècle. With Barbara Obrist , Firenze, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, coll. « Micrologus’ Library » 42, 2011.

Lectures médiévales de Macrobe. Les Glosae Colonienses super Macrobium. ed. by Irene Caiazzo, Paris, Vrin, coll. « Études de Philosophie médiévale » 83, 2002.

Periodical’s editor

Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge, Paris, Vrin.

Postscript :

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« The laity and philosophy in the XIIᵉ century: a long history» (in french)

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LEM’s Programs

History of the disciplines

Logic and natural philosophy