Member of LEM’s cluster 4, Institutions and religious doctrines (medieval and modern Europe and Mediterranean), Hubert Bost is Professor at the Ecole pratique des hautes études, where he holds the chair “Culture and Protestantism in modern Europe, 16th-18th c.”. Editor of the Revue d’histoire du protestantisme since 2016, he served as Dean of the Religion sciences department (2010-2013) and as President of the EPHE (2013-2018). From 2018 to 2020, Hubert Bost was Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies at the University PSL. Since 2018, he is Vice-President of the Institute for Advanced Study of Paris.
To see the curriculum vitae of Hubert Bost his Wikipedia page |
Fields of research
– History of the Reformation and Protestantism during the early modern period.
– Connections between Protestantism and culture, in relation to the structure between belief and thought.
Topics of research
– Hermeneutic questions : status and interpretation of biblical texts, and reading, writing and edition practices.
– Philosophical questions : the role played by reason in the reflection on faith – the functions of doubt and criticism in religious discourse – the European spread of ideas – the role of the Huguenot Refuge.
– Political questions : status of the churches in relation to the authorities – questions of civil tolerance and freedom of conscience during periods of persecution and clandestinity (“Churches of the Desert”).
– The writings of Pierre Bayle (1647-1706).
– The writings of La Beaumelle (1726-1773).
Current projects
– Life and thoughts of the philosopher Pierre Bayle (1647-1706).
– Life and work of La Beaumelle (1726-1773).
Research seminar
Protestantism and culture in modern Europe (16th-18th centuries)
History as a vehicle for Huguenot discourse (16th-18th centuries)
Every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm
Campus Condorcet, Campus Condorcet.
Bâtiment de Recherche Nord - RDC (14 cours des Humanités, 93320 Aubervilliers), salle 0.006
from October 23, 2024 to June 11, 2025.
Selected books
Bayle calviniste libertin,
Honoré Champion, 2021.
Edition : with C. Lauriol et H. Angliviel de La Beaumelle, with P. Duley-Haour, C. Fortuny et F. Pugnière,
Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle, t. XVII : septembre 1769 – 1er août 1772,
Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022.
Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle,
t. XVI : janvier 1767 - août 1769,
éditée par Hubert Bost, Claude Lauriol et Hubert Angliviel de La Beaumelle, avec la collaboration de Pauline Duley-Haour, Claudette Fortuny et François Pugnière,
Paris, Honoré Champion, 2021.
Edition : with C. Lauriol et H. Angliviel de La Beaumelle, Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle (1726-1773), Voltaire Foundation, 2005-….
13 t. / 18 published. (Award Édouard Bonnefous of the Institut de France 2013).
Édition : with E. Labrousse, A. McKenna et al., Correspondance de Pierre Bayle , t. II à XI, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2001-2014.
With Chrystel Bernat (dir.), Énoncer / Dénoncer l’autre. Discours et représentations du différend confessionnel à l’époque moderne, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012.
Edition : Pierre Bayle, Pensées diverses sur la comète, Paris, Garnier Flammarion, 2007.
Pierre Bayle historien, critique et moraliste, Turnhout, Brepols, 2006.
Pierre Bayle, Paris, Fayard, 2006.
This book received the Award of the Société d’études du XVIIe siècle 2007.
Ces Messieurs de la R.P.R. Histoires et écritures de huguenots, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2001.
Direction de revue
Revue d’histoire du protestantisme, Genève, Droz.
Honours and awards
Knight in the Order of the Palmes académiques (2020)
Knight in the Order of the Legion of Honour (avril 2017)
Prize of the Société d’études du XVIIe siècle (2007)
Prize Édouard Bonnefous of the Institut de France (2013)