Un regard scientifique sur les monothéismes depuis les origines jusqu’à l’époque moderne

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Daniel BARBU

by chercheur, claire - published on , updated on


Gods die too, the end of the idols (in french)


Jews and Muslims, brotherhood thwarted (in french)


Member of the Cluster 1 : "Sacred Books. Canons and heterodoxies", Daniel Barbu is a Senior Researcher with the CNRS in Paris (at the Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes). He received his PhD in the History of Religion from the University of Geneva in 2012 and Habilitation in the Study of Religion and Jewish Studies from the University of Bern in 2020. He was a visiting fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2009-2010), at the University of Cambridge (2016-2017; CRASSH; SNF Advanced Post-Doc Mobility) and at the University of Western Australia, in Perth (2017; ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions) and Trinity College, Cambridge (2019). He is currently writing a new book on the the history and reception of Jewish traditions pertaining to the life of Jesus, or Toledoth Yeshu.

See the CV of Daniel Barbu

Research topics

 Jewish cultures and history, Jewish-Christian polemics, History of Anti-Judaism.
 Early history of Religious studies, Method and theory in the History of religions.
 Religious interactions in the ancient Mediterranean, Hellenistic Judaism.

Editorial activities

 Co-editor of the Geneva based journal of anthropology and history of religions, Asdiwal
 Member of the editorial board of CROMOHS – Cyber Review of Modern Historiography – Cyber Review of Modern Historiography.
 Co-director of the "Histoire des religions" series with Labor et Fides publishers.

International collaborations and research projects

 Member of the Management Comittee de l’Action européenne COST 18140 "People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923)". Vice-Chair of the working group "Ideas in Motion".
 Member of the Scientific Council of the Geneva Encounters "Histoire et Cité".
 Member of the Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism Network (EMoDIR).
 Member of the project FNS SINERGIA “Acteurs de la Fabrique des Savoirs et Construction de Nouveaux Champs Disciplinaires,” groupe A : “De la Construction d’une Mémoire Religieuse à l’Histoire des Religions” (2010-2014).
 Treasurer of the Society for the History of Religions of Geneva (SHR-Ge).
 Member of the International Association for the History of religions (IAHR), o f the European Association for the Study of Religions, de la Swiss Society for Religious Studies (SSSR), de l’American Academy of Religion, de la Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), et de l’European Association for Jewish Studies (EASJ).

Selected books

Avec Yaacov Deutsch (dir.), Toledot Yeshu in Context.
The Jewish "Life of Jesus" in Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History
, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

Naissance de l’idolâtrie. Image, identité, religion, Liège, Presses universitaires de Liège, 2016.

Jonathan Z. Smith, Magie de la comparaison. Et autres études d’histoire des religions, ed., introduction and translation Daniel Barbu and Nicolas Meylan, Genève, Labor et Fides, 2014.

Le savoir des religions. Fragments d’historiographie religieuse, Gollion, Infolio, 2014 (Supplément Asdiwal 2).

Postscript :

Programmes de l’équipe 1

The Scriptures and their origin

Porosity of doctrinal frontiers

Transgressing norms

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14 cours des Humanités,
93300 Aubervilliers
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To know more


Publications on Academia

Articles on HAL-SHS

Bibliography of D. Barbu


Gods die too, the end of the idols (in french)


Jews and Muslims, brotherhood thwarted (in french)