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Augustine and the Augustinian Tradition

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LEM’s Programs

Augustine of Hippo (354-430) was a giant of Latin Christian thought. His writings had a major influence on the formation and development of Western culture. As such, they are of specific interest for LEM’s research on Christianity.
Three research themes are privileged in this context :
 The edition, translation and commentaries of the writings of Augustine.
 The interpretation of Augustine’s thought within its context.
 The study of the reception of his writings and doctrine.

| A Multidisciplinary Perspective

Research on Augustine and the Augustinian tradition is carried out at LEM from a multidisciplinary perspective, at the crossroad of philology, philosophy, historio-graphy and religious history. The writings of Augustine are here addressed within the broader context of the history of ideas and concepts from antiquity to the early modern period.
The goal of this research is not to construe an abstract and trans-historical figure of Augustine but to understand the historical development of his ideas across the centuries, as well as the successive interpretations and reappropriations of his thought. This objective implies that particular attention is given to the encounters of the Augustinian doctrines with other philosophies and theologies, or scientific conceptions, within the framework of larger debates over Christian orthodoxy and heterodoxies, taking into account also the confrontation with the other monotheistic traditions.

| A Transversal Research

The study of Augustine’s writings can take multiple directions and include questions related to historical anthropology, psychology, philosophy (e.g. the issues of liberty and Grace), political and ecclesiological theories, Biblical exegesis, noetic, mysticism, aesthetics and theology. The study of Augustine and the Augustinian tradition overlaps with other areas of research undertaken at LEM, such as the study of noeplatonic writings from late antiquity, Gnosticism and Manichaeism, patristic exegesis, philosophy and theology, the history of monasticism.
Research on Augustine and the Augustinian tradition is coordinated by the Center of patristic Studies (CEP-IEA)), which is part of LEM. The CEP publishes the series Revue d’études augustiniennes et patristiques, Recherches augustiniennes et patristiques, "Bibliothèque augustinienne" and "Études augustiniennes". It also puts a specialized library at the disposal of students and scholars.


| Selected books

Augustin, Commentaries of Psaumes 37-44,
dir. M. Dulaey, with I. Bochet, P. Descotes et P.-M. Hombert,
Bibliothèque augustinienne 59/A, Paris, Institut d’études augustiniennes, 2017.

Le rêve dans la vie et la pensée de saint Augustin,
M. Dulaey
Paris, Etudes Augustiniennes, 1973,
awarded by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Prize for a young author).

Augustin philosophe et prédicateur. Hommage à Goulven Madec, I. Bochet (dir.), Paris, Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2012.

« Le firmament de l’Écriture ». L’herméneutique augustinienne,
I. Bochet
Paris, Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2004.

Saint Augustin et le désir de Dieu,
I. Bochet
Paris, Institut d’études augustiniennes, 1982.

Post-scriptum :


ISABELLE BOCHET : A philosophical approach of St. Augustine (fr.)

SIMON ICARD : the issues of liberty and Grace (fr.)

St. Augustine of Hippone